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Si u ndërtua Qabja.
Duke i anashkaluar mendimet e shumta, të cilat flasin për numrin e ndërtimeve dhe riparimeve të Qabes, do të përmendim detajet më të rënd...
Lindja e diellit nga perёndimi nga shenjat e kiametit.
Lindja e diellit nga perёndimi ёshtё njё prej shenjave tё mёdha tё Kijametit, tё cilёn e vёrteton Kurani dhe Suneti i pastёr. Argumentet p...
Apple and Samsung occupied 87.9% of the profits in the market of mobile intelligent
According to analyst Horace Dediu, Samsung and Apple together account for 87.9% of the market, for their intelligent phones during the p...
50 Cent signs James Kirkland
Junior middleweight James Kirkland, out of action since March 2012 due to legal problems and a lawsuit with his former promoter, has sig...
Model (profession)
With the development of fashion photography, the modelling profession expanding to photo modelling. Models remained fairly anonymous and...
Dobitë e namazit në aspektin mjekësor !?
Falja e namazit është obligim për çdo musliman. Allahu atë na e obligoi jo si rendim e lodhje për ne por, si shpëtim dhe si një rrugëzgjid...
Eminem on 'The Marshall Mathers LP 2"
The rapper will release the follow-up to his 2000 hit album on November 5. Speaking to Rolling Stone from the Detroit studio where he is...
Rihanna's sex show tweet leads to third Thai arrest
Thai police have arrested the owner of a Phuket bar in connection with illegal sex shows after following leads from Rihanna, who visited...
Ian Somerhalder Philanthropy
Somerhalder was involved in the cleanup after the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling disaster on April 22, 2010. His efforts included cleaning...
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Paul Wesley Beautiful (VIDEO)
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