After conquering the market with the latest technology equipment , Apple aimed the same success in the vehicle market .
It is argued that the company " Apple " is planning to make his next move in the electric car market . Latest news suggest a secret meeting between the chief executive and chief executive of Apple company Tesla Motors .

The newspaper " San Francisco Chronicle " reports that the head of the company " Apple " is met with Elon Musk , chief executive of the company's electric car " Tesla " and co-founder of PayPal . Musk is also the owner of " Space Exploration Technology Corporation " , which deals with spatial and transport supplies to the International Space Station since 2003 and is regarded as a visionary in the field of manufacturing vehicles with cars " Tesla " .

The same U.S. scientific journal says that between Cook and Musk goal is to create an aesthetically beautiful machine , fast , and above all completely electric and rechargeable batteries , a target of the immediate future .

Based on sources within the company speculate that Apple is interested in expanding its business . Last placements made ​​by Apple shows that it has plans to enter the world of medicine .


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